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A new report by TPI for philanthropic foundation, Porticus, sheds light on how, and with what outcomes, funders can support impactful and transformational collaboration.

Part of TPI’s Partnering for Philanthropic Impact programme, the high-level analysis led by Anna Hirsch-Holland, Programme Director for Funder Impact, found that Porticus’s programme approach has enabled significant collaboration between, and with, Porticus partners – both funded and non-funded. In addition, across all 14 Porticus programmes analysed in this study, there was abundant evidence that this collaboration created additional value – in many cases towards systems change. 

Four key enablers were identified for successful collaboration in Porticus programmes, along with a recognition that factors such as the intentional design for collaboration as well as robust monitoring, evaluation and learning, also play an important role.  

Marieke Hounjet, Director of 360 Philanthropy, Porticus, said, in her Forward to the publication, “This review helped us build an understanding of the enabling conditions that sustain partnerships as well as identify the barriers to effective collaboration. We were able to consider the impact successful collaborations have on our programmatic work, and the importance of measuring the same. The review also provided an insight into the added value partnerships bring to the organisations we work with, and the costs of maintaining these partnerships.” 

If you’re a philanthropic funder interested in exploring any of these issues further, TPI invites you to engage in our Partnering for Philanthropic Impact Programme. Please contact for more information.

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