TPI has provided direct support to partnerships around the world as well as codifying effective partnering practice through a range of tools and guidance.
Support to partnerships has included:
1) brokering new partnerships (including the Biofortification Alliance to transform supply chains to using biofortified crops);
2) developing strategies (including the transformation of IHP+ into the International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 to support multi-stakeholder action in-country towards universal health coverage; and the Sanitation and Water for All partnership to build their new strategy and develop regional roadmaps for implementation);
3) evaluating partnerships (including the mid-term review of the Scaling Up Nutrition global partnership, a review of the Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network);
4) reviewing and troubleshooting partnerships and supporting their development including the Z Zurich Flood Alliance which TPI helped to transition from a more traditional to a far more transformational partnership;
5) TPI supported 12 consortia funded by the FCDO’s Aid Connect programme, taking them individually through a health check process that helped them to address issues and set themselves up for success.
TPI’s codification of good practice has been set down in our extensive range of tools and guidebooks include the latest thinking on how to partner effectively. They have been downloaded by tens of thousands of people around the world and incorporated into countless organisations’ internal guidance for partnering.
The impact review found evidence of improved efficiency and effectiveness of partnerships; 87% of survey respondents said that TPI engagement had contributed to delivering greater partnership impact by being more efficient / effective, and had improved relationships with partners and created more value for partners. Interviews revealed changes to partnership culture, traditional finance models, and opportunities to work with novel and cross sector partners. The ability to refer back to toolbooks has helped organisations to improve the efficiency of their partnerships. One respondent from an NGO stated they saw faster responses from partners and an increased interest in leadership on partnership. Another INGO respondent told us that TPI’s support had helped them “be much more proactive in terms of setting up real partnerships that fit with government priorities.”
“The team at TPI understand deeply the fundamental building blocks of partnering[…] Their analysis and insights are very practical and will enable us to take a robust approach and make it more effective still.” – Z Zurich Foundation