Supporting radical collaboration to deliver a low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially-inclusive economy

UNEP defines a green economy as low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.
While significant progress has been made in a number of countries from Chile to Kenya, no one nation has completed the transition to an inclusive green economy and the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) estimates that the transition might take about 10-20-years.
Such a fundamental shift in our economic systems, from extractive, fossil-fuel based to regenerative, renewables based represents both a colossal challenge and an extraordinary opportunity to ensure better health and livelihoods for communities within planetary boundaries.
No one sector can provide the resources, technology or social understanding necessary to make this transition, and effective collaboration between governments, business and civil society is an essential tool to work across complex systems, accelerate the transition and, crucially, to ensure it is just and fair.
Yet TPI would be the first to acknowledge that partnering is difficult. Even the most dedicated and well-resourced partnerships encounter challenges in setting up their collaborations and working together to achieve the impact they desire. TPI provides an experienced, independent voice to support partnerships at all stages of the lifecycle, from guidebooks and tools to provide clarity on the process to tailored partnering training to build the capacity of those working on the partnering frontline.
TPI provides practical support to individual organisations, partnerships and funders navigating the green economy transition to ensure the strongest possible collaborations.
From our vantage point supporting partnerships for sustainable development across the UN, the private sector, NGOs and government, TPI has excellent visibility of how the climate and nature crises intersect with more traditional international development programmes. We apply more than two decades of experience in supporting effective partnership working to encourage connections across siloes- for example, between health and climate, food security and biodiversity loss. Our team combines practical experience of environmental partnership management with evidence-based understanding of what makes a strong collaboration.
Services and Support

Fit for Partnering
Climate collaborations stand the best chance of success if each partner organisation is institutionally ‘fit for partnering.’ How do you make your organisation institutionally capable of partnering with excellence? Fit for Partnering is TPI’s holistic approach to build organisations’ leadership, strategy, systems and processes, staff competencies, culture and internal support and guidance to make you the most effective partner of choice.
Partnership Health check
While many ambitious climate action collaborations have well developed M&E frameworks, fewer pay attention to the quality of the partnership working itself. Established partnerships benefit from TPI’s support in pausing and reflecting, working with a partnership to design and deliver an independent health check review or evaluation of the partnering value created.
Tailored support for individual organisations to develop a partnering strategy
We can work with you and your team to develop an organisational approach to partnering effectively – using a multi-layered approach of research, interviews and capacity building.
Guidance for organisations wishing to collaborate on a just green transition and unsure how best to engage
Our team can support you and your potential partners to take you through a process of partnering which builds a strong, value-creating collaboration based on the building blocks of effective partnerships.