TPI works in collaboration with a global network of like-minded sister organisations, all at the cutting edge of partnership theory and practice, pooling our knowledge, skills, and perspectives on partnerships, to continually deepen our common understanding of partnerships, increase the impact of our projects and support services, and optimise the frameworks and tools that we offer to partnering practitioners across the world.

The Foundation for Sustainability and Equality in Costa Rica, known as ALIARSE, is an initiative promoted by public institutions and private companies which, aware of the economic, social, and environmental challenges faced by the country, and exercising their social responsibility, have joined forces to contribute to national development, social justice, and sustainability.

Business Fights Poverty

Business Fights Poverty is a global community of people, companies and organisations passionate about building an equitable and resilient future. We believe in the power of business to help improve the lives, livelihoods and learning opportunities of the most vulnerable people and communities. We know that driving system-level change for a better future requires people to unite across traditional divides and come together in fresh and creative ways .

The Collective Leadership Institute empowers people to lead collectively towards a sustainable future. CLI believe in collective leadership skills for sustainability and the capacity to dialogue – for jointly created solutions across sectors, institutions, nations and cultures.

DIXON Partnering Solutions aims to help the business, government, community and education sectors work together more effectively. DIXON Partnering Solutions believe in positive effective partnering that ‘builds bridges’ between the sectors and is based on the presence of mutual respect, mutual resolve and mutual responsibility.

CAD, the Centre for Partnerships for Development, is a global network of experts committed to human and sustainable development sharing the common belief that promoting partnerships is a necessity if we are to find innovative and durable solutions to global challenges.

Latimpacto is a regional network dedicated to promoting and enhancing social investment and impact philanthropy across Latin America. The organisation serves as a hub for various stakeholders, including foundations, impact investors, corporations, and other entities committed to driving positive social change.

Out of the Box

Out of the Box is a consultancy with a mission to enable partnerships for sustainable change based in Lebanon. Out of the box offers training, consultancy support and support to partnerships.

P4G is a network of leaders from government, business and civil society working to accelerate green growth in many of the 150 developing countries across the world. It accelerates, funds and recognizes innovative public-private partnerships that can deliver commercially-viable – and therefore scalable and sustainable – solutions.

The Partnerships Resource Centre is an open centre for academics, practitioners and students to create, retrieve and share knowledge on cross-sector partnerships for sustainable development. The Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) is built up as an independent, flexible learning network, and carries out fundamental research, develops tools and knowledge-sharing protocols and delivers web-based learning modules and executive training

The Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea), is a network of philanthropic organisations across Europe. It aims to strengthen European philanthropy by fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and advocating for an enabling environment for philanthropic activities.

The Partnership Brokers Association is the international professional body for those managing and developing collaboration processes. PBA’s vision is a more equitable and sustainable world through innovation, efficiency and excellence in multi-stakeholder collaboration. PBA’s mission is to promote understanding of, and build capacity for, partnership brokering as fundamental to achieving this vision.

WINGS is a global network of philanthropy associations and support organisations. It focuses on philanthropy as a catalyst for social progress through collective intelligence, strengthening ecosystems and advocacy.