Partnering Guidebooks

Improving and mainstreaming the practice of partnering globally requires a dedicated process of learning from experience, researching partnering activity and best practice, and capturing new knowledge as well as developing new frameworks for understanding and communicating about partnering effectively.

The SDG Partnership Guidebook is the flagship publication of the SDG Partnership Accelerator and serves as a practical resource to help build high impact multi-stakeholder partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals.

This guidebook for the mining sector sets out to support companies in understanding the potential of optimised partnering, and lays out how to undertake a diagnostic on the degree they are set up and operating to be institutionally ‘fit for partnering’.

Developed in collaboration with Bupa, and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), this partnering guidebook is designed for non-profit organisations who wish to partner with companies against non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It begins to set out how to bridge the divide between societal sectors, to engage with business and create effective partnerships to address the cause of NCDs.

A guide to emerging thinking and effective practices in consortium working, this guidebook includes some of the key challenges a consortium faces as a result of its structure and ambitions, methods for maximising the consortium’s value, collaborative leadership and governance, and how to close or transition a consortium.

Produced as part of the SDG Partnership Accelerator, this guidebook aims to demystify the concept of the added-value partnerships can bring, as well as the value organisations can gain from partnerships, and provide a process and tools to help maximise value for all. The guide also offers what we believe is the first attempt at a comprehensive framework to define Collaborative Advantage (the intrinsic power partnering can bring) and the associated Partnership Delta (the extra value partnerships can create).

The Zambia Partnering Toolbook is designed to support the uptake and delivery of partnerships that contribute to sustainable development in Zambia. It provides the rationale for forming these partnerships and offers a range of practical tools (below) that can help people work in partnership more effectively.