With 20 years of experience, we provide the capacity development and support services to help you, your organisation and your partnerships to professionalise your partnering practice.

Professional capacity development and support

Fostering professional partnering excellence through open and bespoke trainings, coaching and communities of practice.
Supporting organisations to become Fit for Partnering and realise maximum strategic value through partnerships.
Facilitating and optimising partnerships to deliver maximum value and impact for all.
Thought leadership and cutting-edge programmes

Collaborative, action research programmes, developing the latest thought leadership, theory and practice in specific issues to help shift sector practice.
Influencing and building a global partnering infrastructure

Major initiatives to build individual, organisational and partnership good practice globally at scale
A UN-TPI initiative supporting national-level, multi-stakeholder collaboration for the SDGs
Supporting in-country mechanisms to engage stakeholders across sectors, and catalyse partnerships for the SDGs
High level policy inputs on multi-stakeholder partnerships and engaging business as a development partner,
Knowledge centre

Supporting your partnering journey with our expanding knowledge centre, we bring you the latest partnering theory and guidance in the form of our cutting edge tools, frameworks, case studies and research.
We regularly renew and add to our material, capturing insights and experiences from all our programmes.