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Our goals for embedding the understanding and practice of partnering globally for 2022-2025

Goal 1: increasing the volume of global partnering initiatives

We want global sustainable change to take place more rapidly and more widely through partnering

Time is running out for the world to achieve sustainable change. Through global impact initiatives, TPI expertise can be harnessed to bring about change more rapidly, with greater impact and at greater scale.

We want to take our proven approaches and expand their use by working with large, multi-stakeholder groups to increase our sphere of influence.

Tried and tested model

Our Partnership Accelerator model, developed with the UN, is one successful example of a TPI working Global Impact Initiative. Working mainly with UN Resident Co-ordinator Offices at country level, it provides a combination of training, support in platform development and analysis of the national partnering landscape.  Webinars and engagement in policy processes are included, such as the UN’s High Level Political Forum.

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Goal 2: addressing complex partnering on key issues and in chosen sectors

We want to employ our cutting-edge expertise to address more of the challenging sustainability issues

In some specific contexts and sectors a more in depth, highly customised approach to partnering is necessary. Focusing initially on the issue of climate change and the funding and foundations sector, we will conduct a bespoke, deep dive research and support pathfinder programme.

Pathfinder programmes are carefully designed using the latest thought leadership, research, theory and practice. Their goal is to shift whole sector practice.

Bringing together key partners and stakeholders – whether from a sector, industry, community, nation or other context – a collaborative, peer-to-peer programme is designed that includes:

  • an inquiry phase – to fully understand the issue in hand and identify challenges, needs and gaps
  • action research – to examine latest thinking, guidance, tools etc that will tackle the challenges and fill the gaps. This might include:
      • direct support to individual organisations
      • peer-to-peer exchange on key topics
      • in-depth research into certain areas
  • dissemination of the newly developed theory and practice through training courses, webinars, publications, or other channels specific to the issue or sector in hand.

Tried and tested model

Partnering with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) and its members, TPI worked alongside the sector to develop tools and approaches that strengthened mining companies’ ability to partner effectively. Adapting our ‘Fit for Partnering’ framework to suit the industry, a guide was produced containing advice on how to improve as well as a self-assessment tool and practical examples.

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Goal 3: building the partnering capabilities of organisations in lower- and middle-income countries

We want to build a network of partnership support organisations in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to help accelerate collaboration practices

For effective partnering to become global mainstream practice, support and capacity building needs to be spread more equally and fairly across nations. Based on principles of reciprocity and mutual learning, our plan is to create and then coach a network, while also learning ourselves from the members. We hope to facilitate peer learning and in turn expand our own knowledge through the sharing of a greater diversity of perspectives and experiences.

Tried and tested approach

We have a track record in building networks through our existing community of TPI Associates. We would hope to adopt a similar model focusing specifically on representatives from low- and middle-income countries.

The types of organisations we would hope to engage in the network could potentially include NGOs, consultancies, training organisations or partnership platforms.

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