TPI’s Executive Director Darian Stibbe joined a Business Fights Poverty online discussion on 22 April 2020, to explore what we can learn from new partnerships emerging during COVID-19 and the innovations they are creating, with a focus on business-led partnerships.
What many of these initiatives have in common is the willingness of organisations to work across sectors, pooling resources and expertise to have a greater impact.
This builds upon our broader COVID-19 programme to understand what it takes to build rapid and resilient partnerships.
Quick links:
- Read Action Toolkit Launch Blog, “Rapid Innovation Through Partnerships” by Christina Tewes Gradl, Senior Advisor Business Fights Poverty where you will also find links to the Action Toolkit
- Read Online Discussion Blog, “How Can Partnerships Create Rapid Innovation During COVID-19 Crisis?” by Annabel Beales, Challenge Researcher, Business Fights Poverty