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The 2018 Partnership Exchange was held on 13 July 2018 in the margins of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The one-day event, organized by UN DESA, UNOP and the UN Global Compact, supported by The Partnering Initiative, featured two expert level parallel sessions, a plenary segment, and a Partnership Showcase.

The objective of the Partnership Exchange, which was open to all participants of HLPF, was twofold: 1) to showcase the role of multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments in supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and 2) to explore, and build momentum towards, the creation of the partnering enabling environment.

TPI curated the event, and moderated the expert session on building institutions and platforms that are Fit for Partnering.

Segment 1 – Building institutions that are Fit for Partnering

For organizations to be able to partner well and at scale, they need to have in place the right
leadership and strategy, enabling systems and processes, strong staff skills and guidance, and a partnering culture. The first sub-session examined what it means in practice to be organizationally “Fit for Partnering” and how to build up an organization in this regard.

Segment 2 – Building country level action platforms to catalyze partnerships for the SDGs.

This session looked at what it takes to run effective partnership action platforms which convene societal sectors around SDG priorities, and catalyze implementation of innovative initiatives. The session examined the role of such platforms, the challenges and  the key success factors?

Watch the video of the session on building institutions that are Fit for Partnering.

Download the event report

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Julia Gilbert Senior Programme Manager and Knowledge Lead

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