TPI’s flagship training, Building Effective Partnerships for Development, is running in Washington D.C. this year, from March 8th to 10th.
The 2.5 day training programme will focus on skills, understanding and knowledge for effective cross-sector partnering, optionally leading to a Certificate in Partnering Practice. The course balances core knowledge with highly interactive, experiential learning through role play, ‘serious games’ and peer-to-peer exchange.
The course is for staff and consultants from all sectors, at all levels, who need to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to build partnerships and collaborate effectively across sectors. It is also suitable to be taken simultaneously by all partners from a partnership in order to improve the quality of their collaboration.
Course schedule:
Wednesday 8th March: 1pm to 5pm
Thursday 9th March: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 10th March: 8.30am to 4pm
For further details see the course flyer, or register directly on Eventbrite.