
Danielle Jean-Pierre Figueroa

Professional with experience in the theory and practice of multi-stakeholder partnerships for development. Danielle has worked for the past 10 years in designing, brokering, and implementing partnerships for development in Costa Rica, and promoting the development of platforms for partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean. Her expertise includes partnership facilitation, skills training, research, and brokering partnerships in areas such as employment, health, water and sanitation, sustainable cities, and education. She is passionate to understand the enabling factors for collaboration in multiple contexts, and she held a strong belief that it is only through collaboration that we will overcome the most pressing needs our planet is facing. She has worked leading international and national cross-sector initiatives through public and private partnerships and collective impact projects. These experiences allowed her to develop alliances with a wide variety of stakeholders, including government officials; private sector; civil society organizations; and the academy. She is a professional researcher with strong analytical and communicative skills, creative, motivated, enthusiast and committed to sustainable development and partnership.