TPI Think Piece Trusted partnership: pushing the boundaries of traditional grant-making and trust-based philanthropy By Anna Hirsch-Holland, Programme Director for Funder Impact Trust-based philanthropy has been critiqued for emphasizing…TPI Global13/08/2022
Publications Pieces of a puzzle: Further Steps on a Journey The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a framework for countries integrate the Sustainable Development…TPI Global17/06/2022
TPI Blog What I learned from philanthropy immersion at Philea Forum 2022 By Anna Hirsch-Holland As a relative newbie to the field of philanthropy, Philea Forum has…TPI Global13/06/2022
Events TPI @ United Nations ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2022 The 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be held on 2 February 2022 on “Building back better…TPI Global01/02/2022
Events From COVID-19 to climate change: How can we turbo-charge collaboration? 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum Side Event - February 02, 2022 8:00-8:50 am (EST) We face…TPI Global24/01/2022
News & ViewsTPI Viewpoints Staying close from a distance: how partnerships stay engaged with local communities during challenging times like COVID-19 By Dr. Leona Henry. Cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) that operate in developing countries engage closely with…TPI Global10/09/2021
General NewsNews & Views TPI is looking for a new Trustee NOTE: As of 1st January 2022, this position has been filled. TPI is looking for…TPI Global06/08/2021
General NewsPublications Partnering for our Common Future: Optimising mining’s partnering capability to contribute to community resilience and thriving societies 27 July 2021: The new resource, "Partnering for our Common Future: Optimising mining’s partnering capability…TPI Global06/08/2021
EventsGeneral NewsNews & ViewsStaff and Associates VNR-Lab 9: SDG advisory bodies and their role in national sustainable development policy cycles On 12 July 2021, the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) and UN DESA hosted…TPI Global06/08/2021
EventsGeneral NewsNews & Views SDG Partnership Accelerator Webinar: Small Islands, Genuine Partnerships On 6 July 2021, a webinar titled, "Small Islands, Genuine Partnerships" was organised by the…TPI Global06/08/2021